Saturday, May 18, 2013

When does process of Teething Begin?

When a baby begins teething there is no set patters on when it will begin, how long it will take and how painful it will be. To one baby cutting a tooth might happen overnight without pain, while another child might have to go through a long, drawn out and painful experience. You may sometimes visibly see a rise or lump in the gum for several weeks, while sometimes there may be no visible clue at all until the tooth actually appears.
On average the first tooth comes in during the seventh month, although it can arrive as early as three months, or as late as a year, or in rare cases even earlier or later.

Which teeth come first? 

What are the symptoms of teething?

The symptoms of teething vary from child to child. Because of these different experiences, parents and physicians often disagree as to the symptoms of teething and how painful it is. 
Some of these symptoms may include - 

Irritablility: As the sharp little tooth rises closer to the surface your babys gums may become increasingly more sore and painful, leading your baby to become fussy.
Drooling: From three to four months of age you may see your baby start drooling more often than normal. Teething stimulates drooling, which is often worse with some babies than others.
Coughing: the extra saliva can cause your baby to occasionally cough or gag. This is nothing to worry about as long as your baby seems fine and shows no signs of a cold/flue and does not run a high fever.

Chin rash:
 If your baby is a big drooler, the constant contact with saliva can cause the skin around the chin and mouth to become irritated. To help prevent this, gently wipe your baby mouth and chin periodically throughout the day.

Biting & gnawing: 
A baby that is teething will gnaw and gum down on anything she or he can get their mouth around. The counter pressure from biting on something helps relieve the pressure from under the gums. This is where our products come in handy for your little one.

Cheek rubbing and ear pulling: Pain in the gums may travel to the ears and cheeks particulary when the back molars begin coming in. This is why you may see your baby rubbing their cheeks or pulling at their ears. However, keep in mind that pulling at an ear can also be a sign of an ear infection.

Diarrhea: While this is a symptom that is disagreed upon by most physicians, morst parents usually notice slightly looser bowel movements when baby is teething.

Low-grade fever: A fever is another symptom that doctors are sometimes hesitant to directly link with teething, but there are many parents who will disagree with this and find their baby gets a slight fever while teething. The best thing to do is be extra safe and notify your dr if the fever lasts more than two days.

Not sleeping well: With teething pain happening during the day and night, you may find your child wakes more often at night when the pain gets bad enough.

Cold like symptoms (runny nose etc): Some parents find that their baby will show signs of having a cold. Runny noses, coughing and general cold symptoms are believed to come from the baby having their hands in their mouth more often. Play it safe and always notify your doctor if symptoms such as this occur.

How can I help my baby with the pain?

The teething process will come and go just like so many other things with new babies. Keep trying different things until you find what provide the best relief for your child.